ชื่อ - นามสกุล


การศึกษา : Education 

ประสบการณ์การสอน :  Teaching Exprience

งานวิจัยที่สนใจ : Research Interests 

ผลงานวิจัย : Publications 

รางวัลนวัตกรรม : Inovation Awards

ประสบการณ์การทำงาน :  Work Experience

International Journal

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (March 2024).

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (November 2023).

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (March 2023).

- Research article : AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, SJR Q3, (September 2023). 

- Research article : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), SJR Q3, (April 2022). 

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (December 2021). 

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (Febuary 2021).

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (September 2020).

- Research article : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), SJR Q3, (January 2020). 

- Research article : Radioengineering, SJR Q3, (December 2019). 

Thai Journal

    - Research article : Journal of Industrial Technology Buriram Rajabhat University, TCI 1, (November 2024). 

- Research article : The Journal of Industrial Technology Thepsatri Rajabhat University, TCI 1, (June 2024). 

- Research article : The Journal of Industrial Technology, TCI 1, (January 2024). 

- Research article : The Journal of Industrial Technology, TCI 1, (April 2023). 

- Research article : The Journal of Industrial Technology, TCI 1, (August 2021). 

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